DBMS- Dry Bulk Management System

With the ever increasing focus on safety in the maritime industry, the bulk industry is now implementing its new management systems. Matau is supporting the managers and owners in doing so.

DBMS - Background

Following the tanker industry, now the bulk industry is proceeding with self-assessments and structured inspections of their tonnage.

Although, this is not new to the industry, the approach of Rightship with their


does enhance the pace and the scrutiny applied to the tonnage providers and managers in this field.


With years of experience in the tanker industry as master's and from within the senior management, we assist bulk managers to be fit and well prepared for this new regime. 

We support by:

  • Reviewing your manuals and idenfication of improvement areas (GAP - Analysis)

  • Amendment or new development of manuals 

  • Training of office personnel 

  • On-board inspections 

  • Training of ship staff

Contact us for more details and advices.

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